Mar 17th 2025 - SuNNS Presentation to NS Public Bills Committee - to not lift the bans on Fracking and Uranium Mining Key points covered : 1- The Recent election platform did not include anything on removing these bans 2- These bans were put in place years ago with much consultation and community support - nothing has changed since then in terms of the environmental dangers and health issues of fracking & uranium mining 3- Major Public consultation must take place before removing these bans 4- Using the Tariff wars with the USD as an excuse for rushing in this legislation is unacceptable 5- Fracking would increase are green house gas emissions 6 -No consultation with Indigenious peoples has taken place
Feb 18/2025 Premier Houston Shame on you ! The NS government has put forward a bill that would lift blanket bans on uranium exploration and hydraulic fracking of fossil fuels — a move the premier says will make the province more self-reliant in the face of potential U.S. tariffs.
PLEASE email Premier Houston and tell him that you are against these changes !
The province says the omnibus bill tabled Tuesday would repeal the existing Uranium Exploration and Mining Prohibition Act to allow for research about the presence and distribution of uranium in Nova Scotia. It would also make changes to the Petroleum Resources Act to "create the potential" for hydraulic fracking to access onshore natural gas.
Premier Tim Houston told reporters the legislative changes are needed to make the province better able to withstand economic challenges that would result from U.S. tariffs. President Donald Trump is threatening to impose tariffs of 25 per cent starting in March on Canadian exports.
Jan 27 2025 Houston Changes Direction - Running his Campaign on Housing, Health & Environmenal Issues, he know focuses on bringing back Mining and Fracking - check his 6 page memo to his caucus. It is all double speak - promoting mining and fracking and at the same time - saying he will "Be a good steward – strive to pass on a natural environment to future generations that is the same or better than the one we inherited" He is using his majority election results to do whatever he wants. Unbelievable …he is trumping Trump with this type of strategy ! And he also is downplaying the concerns of all Nova Scotians by claiming environmental groups are “special interest groups” that only represent 2% of the population. Read the full 6 page memo below : And then call you MLA and tell them what you think !
Sun Oct 27th 2-4pm Tatamagouche Grace Arts Centre
- Issues with Industrial WiInd Turbines being built in NS for Hydrogen Ammonia Export -not for NS's electrical Grid to get off coal gas oil dependency. Come and find out more !!!!
Aug 19,2024 - Cleanup of NS Mines to cost $148 Million
Taryn Grant at CBC has this story on the cleanup of historical mines that will start next year. Grant spoke with Donnie Burke, senior environmental director with Build Nova Scotia, which will lead the cleanup of 60 abandoned mines.
As Grant reports, the cleanup of three of the mines, Montague gold mine, Goldenville gold mine, and a celestite mine in Cape Breton, will start in 2025.
From the story:
Burke said those three sites were prioritized based on an analysis of dozens of parameters including the location, who owns the land, and perhaps most importantly, the risk the contamination poses to humans and the environment.
Each of the 60 sites were categorized as either low, medium or high risk.
Montague and Goldenville are both considered high risk. The mine at Lake Enon is considered medium risk.
The cost to clean up the mines will be at least $148 million. Here’s a list of a dozen of the sites and the cleanup costs:
Montague – $30.2 million.
Goldenville – $34.3 million.
Lake Enon – $1.6 million.
Goldbrook Lake and Seal Harbour (two sites combined) – $8.8 million.
Ocean Street – $468,804.
Mooseland – $15 million.
Widow Point – $250,000.
Miller Lake-Fleet Settlement – $1.1 million.
Mill Village – $425,750.
Lochaber – $250,000.
Country Harbour – $5 million.
July 5th 2024 - Windy Ridge Environmental Assessment Comments - This project will not contribute to Nova Scotia’s renewable energy targets. Full comments at
This project is part of a massive 5 county wide Wind Turbine Project strategy to produce green energy to be used to produce hydrogen ammonia for export and as such should be treated as one project and should be classed as a Class II EA.
This project does not adequately address Environmental Concerns and must not be allowed to proceed.
To do some would be to fail your fiduciary duty as a responsible government.
Green Nova Scotia First supports the development of wind energy projects in Nova Scotia provided the provincial government fully addresses and completes certain obligations.
Before exporting hydrogen or ammonia, we must eliminate our dependence on coal and fossil fuels for energizing our grid.
We need to better manage our forests, soils and water through a provincial Landscape Level Planning Strategy.
We need to better protect Nova Scotia’s rich biodiversity and abundant ecosystems through an improved Environmental Assessment process.
We need to ensure currently proposed industrial projects prioritize ecological and community resilience in the face of climate and biodiversity crises.
Please check the Green Nova Scotia First website for more information and to read GNSF's full Environmental Assessment comments
Feb 12th 2024 - Community Still Seeking Answers from EverWInd Fuels at Public Q&A in Debert
Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia (SuNNS) is encouraging members of the community to bring their questions and concerns regarding the future of Nova Scotia wind energy for export - to a public Q&A session to be held at the Debert Legion on Monday, February 12th from 6 to 8 pm. The event is organized by EverWind Fuels.
Nova Scotia needs to be 100% off coal before renewable energy is considered for export. To date, community questions about why key sites for wind energy will be used by a private company to produce hydrogen for export rather than helping Nova Scotians decarbonize their grid remain unanswered. Concerns about the economics and transportation of green hydrogen production have not been properly addressed. Questions are also being raised about the impact on recreational use of land and environmental damage including risk to biodiversity, and the survival of Mainland Moose.
At this time, EverWInd Fuels has announced it has plans to construct several hundred wind turbines in separate projects in the five Nova Scotian counties of Hants, Kings, Halifax, Colchester and Guysborough.
SuNNS is deeply concerned with the lack of transparency and absence of meaningful community engagement regarding these massive industrial projects.
For more info, please contact Madeline Conncher at Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia :, 902-957-8484.
Nov 30/23 - Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia Submission to the Kmtnuk Wind Ltd. Class 1 Environmental Assessment
Honourable Minister Halman, Ms. Helen MacPhail;Thank you for providing this opportunity to provide comments on this EA.
Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia (SuNNS) is a registered society of concerned citizens on the North Shore. It has a collective vision and strategy to encourage sustainable, locally driven community and economic development, to encourage and promote an environmentally friendly economy, and to oppose industrialization that threatens our natural and lived environment.
In this submission we focus on the inherent shortcomings of the project in addressing the GHG emission reduction needs of Nova Scotians and the lack of considered alternatives.
Let us be clear at the outset that SuNNS unequivocally supports economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable renewable energy development. But let's make sure we do it right.
Doing it right would be for NSECC to require all wind projects to first decarbonize the NS grid by requiring the proponent to devote the majority of its renewable energy to decarbonizing the NS grid, facilitating the switch from fossil heating to electric, and the electrification of transport. Only when local demand for renewable energy has been met allow other uses such as hydrogen production.
Doing it right would be to require the proponent to describe exactly how it would interconnect to the NS Power grid, certify in detail the “sleeved power purchase agreement”, and account for its contribution of renewable energy.
Doing it right would require the proponent to explain explicitly how they will produce “certified green hydrogen” and require them to specify the certifying agency, details of the process and protocols, and how it is audited.
Doing it right would require the proponent to convincingly describe exactly how green hydrogen and ammonia production for export supports provincial GHG reduction goals and to explicitly substantiate what goals are being addressed in what way, and how this is a better use of renewable resources than local decarbonization efforts.
Doing it right would require the proponent to describe in depth how, with1,894 hydrogen projects in development around the world, their project would even survive let alone make Nova Scotia a world leader in climate change mitigation.
Doing it right would prohibit the proponent from entering into any land purchase or lease agreement with a corporation that is currently suing the province and owes millions of dollars to Nova Scotia for the loan to buy the land.
Doing it right would require any PPA between a proponent and NS Power not disadvantage a single person in Nova Scotia by making renewable energy only available to select large users such as hydrogen plants.
This project is an exercise in massive magical thinking and speculative development for the primary benefit of private equity investors. It provides only imagined benefits for Nova Scotians. We urge you to do the right thing and apply conditions to this and every other renewable wind proposal that requires it to first benefit Nova Scotians in immediate and tangible ways. Please return this proposal for a complete redo.
Nov 20 2023 - SuNNS supports the important role of renewable energy in reducing GHG and the impact of climate breakdown. SuNNS support WInd Turbine Facilities being developed is a sustainable and responsible way for NS.
NS Wind Turbine Projects must first be used to help NS get off coal dependency for our electricity. EverWInd Turbine Kmtnuk and WIndy Ridge Wind Projects are focused on producing electricity to produce hydrogen ammonia for shipping to Germany - losing 80% of the energy in the transfer process. EverWInd is not producing electricity for NS.
SuNNS is committed to communicating to NS residents our concerns. EverWInd Project has submitted their Environmental Assessment for approval to proceed with the Kmtnuk project.
Please submit your concern and comments to the NS EA process for this project - comments due by Dec 1st.
Link is :
Please check our SuNNS Facebook page for the latest details. Stay tuned for further details on how we can stop EverWInd.
Email us at if you have any questions.
Listen to CBC Atlantic Voice Canada Nov 19th show with Lindsay Bird - good reportage on the concerns re EverWind and Hydrogen hype.
Check Halifax Examiner Joan Baxter's articles on the concerns with the EverWInd Turbine Projects.
AUG 28,2023 A newly created wilderness area kills the possibility that a Nova Scotia lake will be used for gold mining. From Halifax Examiner :
Today, the province of Nova Scotia has created a 684-hectare Archibald Lake Wilderness Area. The press release announcing the new wilderness area notes that:
The new wilderness area includes three lakes: Archibald, McDonald and Rocky, which feed Archibald Brook, a tributary of St. Marys River. Nearly 300 hectares of the protected area is old hardwood forest, as defined by the Old-Growth Forest Policy for Nova Scotia.
“We’re happy to see the gold mining company shut out of Archibald Lake but I doubt they’re going to give up,” added Plourde of EAC. “There’s lots of other lakes in Guysborough County and I suspect that they’ll just pivot to another proposed water supply. But it doesn’t matter what they do or how long it takes, there will never be a giant open-pit gold mine next to the St. Mary’s River. Nova Scotians simply will not allow it. We will fight it tooth and nail to the bitter end. The company and investors would be well advised to avoid Cochrane Hill and the St. Mary’s River area altogeth
Jan 13, 2023 An environmental group in Nova Scotia says a gold mine is responsible for high levels of arsenic in local waterways near the mine. This isn't the first time environmental questions have been raised at the gold mine site. Last year, St Barbara was fined $10,000 and ordered to pay an additional $240,000 in financial penalties after pleading guilty to federal and provincial environmental charges. The company admitted it breached environmental laws by failing to properly test for the level of sediment in water that could be hazardous to fish habitat. It also failed to regularly report findings to government as required. See CBC report for details :
Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia - Whats Happening Now ?
Aug 2022 – All Nova Scotians should worry !
The latest news from the Eastern shore is devastating. The Houston government has finally shown it’s true colours and is totally supporting corporate interests over the interests of the environment and local residents.
Tim Halman Minister of Environment & Climate Change has approved Australian company St Barbara’s request to raise the height of the wall containing mine waste at its Touquoy operation. The existing tailings pond should be adequate to support work there this year.
Why would Atlantic Gold be forced to close mid Sept if their request to raise the height of the tailings pond was refused. This seems like blackmail and an outright lie.
As Scott Beaver of NOPE (No Open Pit excavation at Cochrane Hill) says “all Nova Scotians should worry”. If all goes as planned, there will be 6 gold mines in production over the next few years on the Eastern Shore.
Over the next few months, we will be activating a major campaign to Stop Gold Mining in NS - we will educate about the environmental concerns of gold mining and the lack of any economic value for Nova Scotians. Stay Tuned. Say NO to GOLD MINING !
Jan 24, 2022 - Finally some good news ! There is still more work to be done keeping ALL gold mining out of NS.
ENVIRONMENT/CLIMATE CHANGE--French River Watershed Designated as Protected Water Area
The watershed that gives the people of Tatamagouche their drinking water is now protected provincially, further safeguarding their access to quality water.
Environment and Climate Change Minister Tim Halman designated the French River watershed as a protected water area on Monday, January 24. This means that regulations under the Environment Act will help to protect the water that people in the Village of Tatamagouche use in their homes, businesses and to support services in their community.
"I am pleased to designate the French River watershed as a protected water area, which will help meet the needs of the people of Tatamagouche, enhance their quality of life and support economic growth and prosperity," said Minister Halman. "A reliable supply of quality drinking water is essential to maintaining the health of Nova Scotians, as well as community and environmental health. Our government is working with Nova Scotians and other levels of government to ensure everyone in our province has the support and services they need to build strong, sustainable, thriving communities."
The protected water area regulations protect drinking water supplies by giving municipalities the authority to manage watersheds, including restricting or prohibiting activities that may impact water quality or quantity. After a watershed is designated as a protected water area, the utility is responsible for protecting the area and enforcing the regulations.
The Municipality of the County of Colchester owns and operates the Tatamagouche water utility.
"The watershed provides water for the village of Tatamagouche. It's important that we maintain the pristine water that the village is fortunate enough to have. I am pleased the government has taken into consideration the work that was done to protect the watershed and has designated it as a protected water area. Kudos need to go to the staff of the municipality for the work that went into getting here and to the community for standing up to be heard. I am over the moon."
- Michael Gregory, Councillor, Municipality of the County of Colchester and Chair, Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee
Quick Facts:
-- the French River watershed covers about 141 square kilometres along the Northumberland Strait
-- the watershed's headwaters begin in the Cobequid Mountains and drain into Tatamagouche Bay
-- the Municipality of the County of Colchester approved protecting the French River watershed in January 2020
-- the Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee developed regulations that were sent to the Department with a request for designation
-- there are 24 designated protected water areas in Nova Scotia
Additional Resources:
Environment Act:
Protected water areas and regulations:
Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act:
-30- Media Contact: Tracy Barron Cell: 902-223-1465 Email:
Jan 13th 2022 - Still no word back from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change. The lack of response from the present and past Minister over the last year is widely known and disappoints the community
Dec 17th 2021 - SuNNS wrote to the Minister of Environment & Climate Change requesting a meeting to discuss approving the water regulations and discussing any possible concerns.
Dec 14th 2021 - Minister of Environment wrote back to say that the concerns for the community will be considered as the Ministry works toward making a decision on the application in the near future. Nothing about actually approving the regulations !
Oct 26, 2021- A letter from SuNNS and 13 other organizations was sent to Tom Halman, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, urging him to approve immediately the proposed regulations for the French River Watershed under the Nova Scotia Environment Act, including regulations protecting the watershed against mining activities. They noted that the regulations were passed unanimously by the Municipality of the County of Colchester on January 30th, 2020 and forwarded to the Minister in May, 2020. Also attached was the executive summary of the report by SuNNS geology consultant Dr. Ann Maest, which expressed strong concerns about the high risk of the water quality being adversely affected by mining activity.
Sept 21st 2021- SuNNS wrote to MLAs Tom Taggart, Karla MacFarlane & Dave Ritcey to congratulate them on being re-elected and reminding them of their support for the French river Water regulations in June prior to the election. SuNNS requested that the regulations be approved as soon as possible and offered to provide briefings to address any questions.June 30th 2021 - Met with MLAs Tom Taggart, Karla MacFarlane & Dave Ritcey where SuNNS received collective support for the approval of the French River Watershed Regulations. These regulations had been sent to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change on May 11th 2020.
Aug 3, 2021 Press Release - InColchester North, only Liberal Candidate fails to voice support for French River watershed regulations -see NEWS & Media page for details of which parties and MLAs did support the water regulations.
June 29 2020 - SuNNS wrote to the Minister of Environment to find out the status of the Regulations to Protect the Water. As of July 29th we have still not heard back.
Here is the letter SuNNS wrote to Minister Wilson.
The Minister of the Environment has sent a standard response to many who have written letters. Unfortunately it does not say when the regulations will be approved. Here is a section from the response letter :
“Once an application is received, there are several aspects to the approval process, including a review by Nova Scotia Environment to assess the appropriateness of the proposed regulations, the public consultation conducted, and a legal review by provincial solicitors. The application and information is also reviewed by other provincial departments, including Aboriginal Affairs, Energy and Mines, and Lands and Forestry. Timeframes for the review process are variable depending on the nature of the water supply, the range and scope of regulations proposed, and the extent of public consultation conducted.”
Here is the Standard response people have been receiving back from their letters.
Many Letters have been sent to Minister of Environment from SUNNS supporters. Thanks so much ! Here is one of them:
Letter to Minister of Environment from Council of Canadian NS North Shore
April 30th 2020 - SuNNS Requests Supporters to Write Letter to Minister of Environment to approve Regulations to Protect Water
April 14th SuNNS Press Release - SuNNS urges Minister of Environment to approve Regulations passed by the Municipality of the County of Colchester regarding the Protected French River Water Area
Jan 31 2020 - SuNNS Press Release SuNNS Congratulates Colchester County Council for Voting to Protect Water Resources
Jan 30 2020 - Colchester County Meeting Thur Jan 30th 2020 6-9pm
At the Dec 12th Council Committee meeting the French River Protected Water Supply Regulations were approved. They have been put on the agenda for final approval at the Jan 30th full Council meeting.
Regarding Mining, these regulations state - No person is permitted to commence mining activities within the Protected Water Area including detailed ground exploration and processing.
Please plan to attend to show your support. Meeting is at 1 Church St 3rd Floor, Truro, NS. With final approval, the regulations will be sent to the NS Minister of Environment.
************************************************* 2019 *******************************************************
Nov 2019 A Public Information Session is being held on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 6:00 pm at the Warwick Mountain Recreation Club regarding the Draft Regulations for the Protection of the Watershed Area. Please click here to review the Draft Regulations.
The Draft regulations are also available on the Colchester Website Source Water Protection page
Nov 17 2019 - What: Water Quality expert shares findings on mining impacts in French River Watershed
Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia (SuNNS) commissioned Dr. Ann Maest to investigate water quality issues related to potential mining development in the Cobequid Highlands. She concluded that water quality in the area has “a high risk of being adversely affected by mining activity.”
Oct 18 2020 - Water Not Gold Counter Campaign to the NS Gold Show sponsored by the NS Government and Mining Association of NS
Come and take a stand against destructive open-pit gold mining in NS
Fri Oct 18th 11:30am-1:30 pm Rally outside the Alt Hotel at the Halifax Airport
Sat Oct 19th 1:00-4:30 pm at St Andrew’s United Church - Mining Watch Canada co-founder Joan Kuyek Book Launch “Unearthing Justice: How to Protect Your Community from the Mining Industry”. Followed by Panel on Sustainable alternatives to mining. . For more info email
Sat Sept 21st - Water Walk Ceremony 14 km walk from Warwick Mountain to Tatamagouche Creamery
Come Join us as we walk together on Sat Sept 21st in ceremony for - the protection of our sacred water source - to strengthen relationships between Mi'kmaq and settler folks in the resistance of irresponsible resource extraction - and raise awareness of the proposed gold mine project in Warwick Mountain area !
Wela’liek/thank you to the Mi’kmaq Grassroots Grandmothers who will lead this walk.
The Water Walk is sponsored by Flowing Together Nova Scotia, Tatamagouche Centre, Sustainable Nova Scotia (SuNNS) and other individuals and businesses who have offered their generous support to make this happen.
To get further info and to register for walk email
July 24th 2019 7pm Info Session at Tata Library SuNNS is hosting an evening of information sharing on the proposal for gold mining in the Tatamagouche and other watersheds. Come and be part of this community conversation whether you are a year-round or seasonal resident.
June 18 and 19, 2019 Open House Meetings - Protect the French River Watershed:
Public Information Sessions are being held for residents in the French River Watershed to learn more about the Designation of a Protected Area. Organized by the Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee.
June 18, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Warwick Mountain Hall
June 19, 2019 at 7:00 pm at the Tatamagouche Fire Hall
If you can not attend, please email Crawford MacPherson to show your support for what the Committee is doing to protect our water ! One of the important regulations will be : No mining, detailed exploration or processing within the watershed; The Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee is holding this Open House to seek feedback regarding proposed regulations to declare the French River Watershed as a Protected Areas under the Provincial Environment Act. The Water Protection Committee notes that this is an important tool for protecting water quality for those living in the watershed, and for the customers of the Tatamagouche Water Utility.
If you are unable to attend, you can contact Crawford Macpherson with any questions or comments at or call (902) 897-3170.
May 29, 2019 SuNNS Open Letter to NS Minister of Justice & Fed Minister of Public Works requesting Public Inquiry re Assault of SuNNS member.
As you may be aware, a member of SuNNS, John Perkins, was assaulted by the RCMP on Thursday afternoon, May 23rd at an Atlantic Gold public meeting. Summary information is included in the attached Open Letter. For more detailed information, please read articles by Joan Baxter, which also include disturbing videos. (Links below.) Her description of the incident has been corroborated by several eye-witnesses.
SuNNS has sent an Open Letter to the Minister of Justice in Nova Scotia, Mark Furey, and the Minister of Public Security, Ralph Goodale requesting a public inquiry and apology (attached below).
We are requesting friends of SuNNS to write to each of the ministers to support our request. Here are their emails : Mark Furey NS Minister of Justice and Ralph Goodale Minister of Fed Public
Appendix Links to some of the media coverage of the event:
Feb 4, 2019 Press Release - Ministry of Energy and Mines Backtracks on No Plan to Cap Contaminating Drill Hole
Oct 3rd 2018- Here is a gold mining documentary that looks at the relationship between the mining industry and government. It looks specifically at gold mining in Nova Scotia and even more locally to gold mining exploration and development proposed for the French River Watershed, the sole source of water for Tatamagouche. Take a look at this fine documentary by Cliff Seruntine, featuring SuNNS members and Joan Baxter, independent journalist.
Sept 15th 2018 Envisioning Sustainable Future for North Shore Workshop held in Tatamagouche
How to create more jobs in our area while lowering our carbon footprint.
Panelists included Cammie Harbottle, Waldegrave Farm; David Morgan, Antigonish Community Energy (ACE) Cooperative; Greg Watson, North Nova Forestry; Gregor Wilson, Ski Wentworth, Recreation and Tourism; Quita Gray, Sugar Moon Farm.
Sponsored by North Shore Council of Canadians and Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia (SuNNS).
Aug 30, 2018 - Municipality of Colchester Votes to Protect the French River Watershed .
Mayor Christine Blair, Tatamagouche Councillor Mike Gregory and Source Water Protection Committee member Deputy Mayor Bill Masters lead the charge at council last night initiating a motion seeking “Protected “status for the French River Watershed. The motion also included an initiative asking government to delay the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP), for mining, until after the Protected Watershed status was in place. The motion was passed unanimously with the council discussion noting that at least two or more other watersheds would be put at risk if gold mining occurred in the Warwick Mountain (Eastern Cobequid Highland Project Area).
This motion is also supported by MLA Karen Casey and NDP Environment Critic Lenore Zann
Colchester Mayor and Council Meeting to Vote On Protecting or Not Protecting the French River Watershed
Background: The Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee voted unanimously asking Council to designate the French River Watershed as "Protected".
Local Councillor Mike Gregory and Councillor Bill Masters voted on behalf of Tatamagouche citizens and are committed to promote this motion at Thursdays council meeting. The "Protection" being sought is to not allow gold mining in Tatamagouche's only source of water and will not affect activities already occurring in the watershed.
LET THE COUNCILLORS KNOW that you expect them to Protect the Watershed
Aug 21st 2018 - Tatamagouche Water Source Protection Committee Meeting Tue Aug 21st 1:30 pm at the Tata Sure Hall
UPDATE : The Committee passed a proposal to recommend to County that the French River Watershed area be designated a PROTECTED area - no gold mining. Congratulations to all !
WHAT: The Water Source Protection Committee will be discussing, RECOMMENDING TO Colchester Municipal Council, that the French River Watershed be designated as a “PROTECTED” Watershed with the stipulation that no gold mining occur in this municipal watershed. (The French River Watershed is the only source of water for Tatamagouche).
WHY: Over 400 people have signed the SuNNS petition opposing the exploration or development of a gold mine in the French River Watershed. NOW you can make your SUPPORT OF CLEAN WATER and OPPOSITION TO A GOLD MINE in the only water source for Tatamagouche VISIBLE.
Request for Proposals Delayed Because of the Actions of SUNNS
The Nova Scotia Ministry of Energy and Mines geological studies have shown that there is in fact gold in the region and therefore plans for the development of a mine accelerated in late 2017. The first step in developing a mine is selecting a company to develop the project. This is done through a Request for Proposals administered by the provincial government. The request for Proposals was first scheduled for release April 2018 but through various SUNNS engagements with government the RFP has been delayed until late summer 2018. SUNNS commissioned a study by an esteemed scientist in which she raised several environmental ( water) issues so SUNNS is now asking that the RFP issuance be further delayed while the necessary environmental studies are conduct to make sure the French River and other watersheds are not adversely affected by a potential gold mine .
If a RFP is issued the interested companies will submit proposals that include information about their past mining experience, track record with incidents, environmental assessments, and other relevant information. The successful applicant will then begin preliminary exploration which includes road building, massive open pit earth and rock displacement and potential water contamination. The Ministry of Energy and Mines reports the Request for Proposals will be announced in late summer /fall 2018.
SUPPORT Action Request - Please write Mike Gregory Chair of the Tatamagouche Water Source Protection Committee at councillordistrict7@colchester.caas well as Bill Master (Deputy Mayor) telling them you want the Water Source Protection Committee to initiate the process to have French River Watershed given “Protected” status (especially from gold mining).
Thank you for taking a few moments to protect the French River Watershed which is the “Only Water Source “ for Tatamagouche. See below for reasons why it is urgent to protect the Watershed area now and not later.
SUNNS Makes Urgent Request to Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Advisory Committee (Municipality of Colchester)
SUNNS is asking the Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee to meet as soon as possible and to make a request to Colchester County Council to initiate the designation process provided under the Environment Act to “protect” the French River Watershed against the potential threat to drinking water by gold mining.
Many communities in Nova Scotia have chosen designation of a “protected” water area to safeguard their water supply
SUNNs has been made aware that if the watershed is not declared a protected area until after the issuance of the Cobequid Highlands Project RFP, the “protected status” would not apply for the company or companies whose proposal(s) is(are) accepted under that RFP. That company or companies would be “grandfathered” in under less rigorous regulations pertaining to the previous French River Watershed designation.
Failure to Act
If the Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee and Colchester County Council does not act before the RFP is released they will be denied the choice of using the full regulatory options available to them under the Environment Act to protect the watershed.
This makes initiating the designation process urgent.
Given this urgency, SUNNS is looking forward to receiving a positive response to our request indicating the date and location of the Committee meeting.
SUNNS welcomes the opportunity to work with the Advisory Committee and Colchester County Council to ensure the safety and security of the French River W